Share AdSense revenue through Trend Hunter Magazine

2007/07/28 |

Post about interesting stories or cool stuff and share in the Google AdSense revenue generated. is an online community that focuses on spotting trends and predicting the next big thing. Members or Trend Hunters generate ideas to stimulate creativity through multiple channels such as technology trends, pop culture, modern art and design, and even business trends and marketing strategies.

How It Works
1. You can either create a portfolio on the Trend Hunter site or use your own blog.
2. When you find something interesting, blog about it. Write at least 2-3 praragrahs. You can also add pictures and video.
3. If it is good enough, your trend will be featured on the front page of Trend Hunter Magazine which will drive traffic to your site.
4. Since this is a Google AdSense based program, you must have a ready AdSense code to join and must observe its rules.
5. You need to post 30 trends before you get to share AdSense revenue.
6. Earn 100% ad revenue when ads are clicked on your Trend Hunter portfolio .
7. Earn 50% ad revenue when ads are clicked on other online magazines where your article pages are featured.

Make Money Online with Some Useless dot InfoYou can install the Trend Hunter widget which lets you feature cool and viral technology, style, fashion, business, marketing, art and design. You can customize its colour, size and whether or not you want to display pictures.

This site is rather interesting as it can be used to provide content for your blog with the latest trends and happenings. By linking to your own site from the Trend Hunter portfolio, you can get a traffic stream when your trend is featured on the front page.