How to grab 1000+ top paying keywords

2007/09/21 |

Step 1. Use Google Adwords keyword tool, searh the keywords you prefer, it will give you 200+ keywords list for your first search, and then use the kewords listed, search them again, you’ll grab 200+++ keywords!

Step 2. Use Free Keyword Suggestion Tool, search the keywords you prefer, continue the work step1 , do more deep research, and then you’ll grab 100+++ keywords now!

Step 3. Use Affiliate program online, find the hottest products of you niche, and search these products’s name in Google or Yahoo, keywords there!

From step 1-2-3, you have got x000+ keywords, now go step4 and get more…

Step 4. Use Good keywords, it’s a free tool for finding the perfect set of keywords for your web pages! This tool can build your keywords list easily

OK, you’ve got y000+++ keywods!

And the best step 5 . Use Keyword Elite, this tool is not free, but it’s valueable and powerful, you can check it here>>>Keyword Elite