VuMe - Earn by sharing videos

2007/06/15 |

Make Money Online with Some Useless.InfoFormerly known as Eefoof, VuMe is not just a video sharing site. It also pays creators of audio and images for sharing their work. With a strong adherence to copyright laws, VuMe only accepts original content, meaning no spliced together TV shows or celebrity photos.

How It Works
Ad banners are placed around media pages and post-roll in video advertising generated ad revenue which is shared with the content creator, depending on traffic volume. VuMe pays USD3.00 for every 1,000 views on your videos, photos and audio. The revenue is added together and distributed once a month.

My Impressions
Traffic on this site seem to be rather low. Browsing through the Most Viewed videos see only hits in the low thousands compared to tens of thousands on other sites. A reason could be because of its strict rule on orginal content only. This cuts out a lot of the popular videos from TV shows and popular media.

Since no mention is made of the payout rate, I’m wondering how long it will take for someone to get paid given that the Most Viewed videos probably have made less than 10 bucks.